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SW Aviator Past Issue Contents |
November/December 2005 |
September/October 2005 |
July/August 2005 |
- Chasing Pancho Villa, Palomas, Mexico
- Amigo Air Show, Flying Lessons from a Champion
- We See the Kids, Tribute to Challenge Air
- The $100 Hamburger, Casa Blanca Restaurant
- Back To Basics, Vref, What is Final Approach Speed
- Hangar Flying, Rollies, Twirlies and Curlicues
- Wischful Thinking, I Need A Rolex
- SWAV News Update
May/June 2005 |
March/April 2005 |
January/February 2005 |
November/December 2004 |
- Lancair, Columbia 400
- An Unusual Flying Machine, Powered Parachutes
- Silent Wings, Lubbuck, TX
- The $100 Hamburger, Kingman Airport Café
- Back To Basics, IFR, VFR, RSVP
- Hangar Flying, The Annual Inspection
- Wischful Thinking, Invincible
- SWAV News Update
September/October 2004 |
July/August 2004 |
- Grand Times, Grand County, CO
Fly Back In Time, Estancia, NM
The Hangar Project, Wiley Post Airport
The $100 Hamburger, Midland, TX
Back To Basics, Emergency!
Hangar Flying, The Forgotten War
Wischful Thinking, Overhaul
- SWAV News Update
May/June 2004 |
March/April 2004 |
January/February 2004 |
- Where Cessna is King, Kingman, Kansas
Clyde Cessna, Aviation Pioneer
Just Like Mom Used to Make, A Homebuilt Blimp
A Leap of Faith, Kingdom Flight
The $100 Hamburger, Santa Fe, NM
Back To Basics, Runway Slope
Hangar Flying, The CAP
Wischful Thinking, The FINA-CAF Airsho
- SWAV News Update
November/December 2003 |
- Bravery, How the Wright Brothers Overcame the Fear
Moseying Around the Old Pueblo, Tucson, AZ
Ballooning, More than Just a Lot of Hot Air
The $100 Hamburger, Peppers Grill, Grand Prarie, TX
Back To Basics, Filing an IFR Flight Plan
Hangar Flying, Aircraft Emergency Life Rafts
Wischful Thinking, Wind Beneath My Wings
- SWAV News Update
September/October 2003mber/October 2003 |
July/August 2003 |
- Flying Lake Powell, Page, AZ
When VFR is IFR, Know Your Options
A Vast Array, The VLA and Central NM
The $100 Hamburger, Flabob Cafe, Riverside, CA
Back To Basics, Landing
Hangar Flying, Oil Compatibility
Wischful Thinking, Courtesy Cars
- SWAV News Update
May/June 2003 |
March/April 2003 |
- Southwest Geoglyphs, Fragile Secrets of the Past
A Tribute to Perseverance, The Beginning of Flight
The Homebuilt Widow, Is a Kit Plane Right for You?
The New Wilga, Aerial SUV
The $100 Hamburger, Señer Pepper's, Farmington, NM
Back To Basics, Avoiding Wind Flips
Hangar Flying, Gift of Life, Gift of Flight
Wischful Thinking, Shuttle Columbia
- SWAV News Update
January/February 2003 |
- Fly Hawaii, Maui, The Big Island, and Kauai
Destination Wickenburg, Plenty to See and Do
The Helicycle, Flying Freedom
The Master CFI, Can Flight Instuctors Get Paid Enough
The $100 Hamburger, 94th Aero Squadron, San Diego, CA
Back To Basics, GA Rules of Thumb
Hangar Flying, From Triumph to Tragedy
Wischful Thinking, The AOPA Expo
- SWAV News Update
November/December 2002 |
September/October 2002 |
- The Arch Flying Cowboy, Canyonlands, Utah
Hitting Rock Bottom, Death Valley, CA
Rediscover the Magic, Grand Canyon Caverns
The $100 Hamburger, Enrique's, Ponca City, OK
Back To Basics, Flying the National Parks - DO's and DON'Ts
Hangar Flying, Is an IFR Rating Safer?
Wischful Thinking, Beginnings
- SWAV News Update
July/August 2002 |
May/June 2002 |
- The Baja Bay Club, Punta Pescadero, Mexico
Deep in the Rockies, Glenwood Springs, CO
The Next Big Thing, Wichita Falls' Carter Copter
Biplane Bash, Bartlesville, OK
The $100 Hamburger, Ozzie's Diner, Norman, OK
Back To Basics, Survival Kits
Hangar Flying, A San Antonio Aviation Pioneer
Wischful Thinking, Flying vs. Traveling
- SWAV News Update
March/April 2002 |
January/Febraury 2002 |
November/December 2001 |
August/September 2001 |
- Seaplanes in the Southwest, Get Your Feet Wet
A Flight to the Past, The Grand Gulch Mine
Laughlin, NV, Fly In for Hot Deals
The $100 Hamburger, Stinson Patio Cafe, San Antonio, TX
Back To Basics, Getting Your Seaplane Rating
Hangar Flying, Be an Angel
On the Cover - 1947 Grumman Mallard
Wischful Thinking, The Cost of Flying
- SWAV News Update
June/July 2001 |
April/May 2001 |
Feb/Mar 2001 |
Dec 2000/Jan 2001 |
- The Best of the Boneyard, Pima Air & Space Museum
Oasis on the Pecos, Carlsbad, NM
The T-Cart, Taylorcraft Restored
A Family Blow Up, The 69th Battalion
The $100 Hamburger, Crosswinds Grill, Las Cruces, NM
Back To Basics, Operating at Icy Airports
Hangar Flying, Midair Collision Avoidance
- SWAV News Update
Oct/Nov 2000 |
Aug/Sept 2000 |
June/July, 2000 |
April/May, 2000 |
February/March, 2000 |
December 1999/January, 2000 |
October/November, 1999 |
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The material in this publication is for advisory information only and should not be relied upon for navigation, maintenance or flight techniques. SW Regional Publications and the staff neither assume any responsibility for the accuracy of this publication's content nor any liability arising fom it |