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Story and photos by Don Mickey
A recent study by the Aerospace Industries Association found that nearly five new piston-engine helicopters are sold for every turbine. The clear leader in the piston-engine helicopter market is Robinson Helicopter Company. In fact, Robinson sells more helicopters than all other North American rotorcraft manufacturers combinedpiston as well as turbine!
Torrance, California based Robinson manufacturers two basic models, the R22 Beta II, and the R44 Raven II. The four-seat R44 is available with a variety of enhancements: the R44 Clipper has fixed or pop-out utility floats for over-water operations; the R44 Police Helicopter is fully equipped for airborne law enforcement; and the R44 Newscopter is the first aerial platform specifically designed for high-quality live television broadcasting.
At a time when businesses across the U.S.including many aircraft manufacturersare struggling just to maintain sales, Robinson continues to break records. The company has hired approximately 150 new personnel since the beginning of 2003 to keep up with production. Even with the additional workers, R44 Raven II production is sold out into 2004.

Robinsons commitment to product support, training programs, and development, as well as the low acquisition cost of a new Robinson helicopter, have made the company a global leader in the helicopter market. There is a worldwide network of more than 100 factory-authorized dealers and 240 service centers in 50 countries, including China and Russia. In fact, the international market accounts for approximately 65% of Robinsons sales.
With an entry level-price of $340,000 and an estimated total operating cost per hour of $131.87, the expense of an R44 Raven II is comparable to that of a fixed-wing piston aircraft. This fact, combined with the functionality only a helicopter can deliver, makes a Robinson helicopter the logical choice for individuals, corporations, and governments throughout the world. |
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