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Story by Gerrit Paulsen, Photos by Dan Horn
"Do you want to do a touch and go at the leper colony? Now theres a question I hadnt heard crackling over an aircraft intercom before. After I responded with an enthusiastic You bet! the next helpful tidbit from my instructor was equally uncommon, Okay, check the crosswind, and keep an eye out for big waves on final they tend to break over the runway. Oh yeah, this was going to be fun! More 
Story and photos by Gerrit Paulsen
Kauai is no place for an airplane. The island is a maze of steep, narrow, cloud-capped canyons, which either abruptly end in a vertical wall splashed with 1000-foot waterfalls, or simply vanish into the perennial milky white clouds shrouding the mountaintops. There is no room for a stiff-wing to turn around, and theres no way out the top. This inhospitable terrain is the undisputed realm of the helicopter.
Kauais 5148-foot Mt. Waialeale is the wettest spot on earth, receiving well over 400 inches of rain per year. This abundance of water flowing down the dramatically eroded volcanic cliffs has created some of the most beautiful scenery on earth. The problem is, seeing it. Seventy percent of the island is inaccessible by road, and even foot trails are treacherous at best. Unquestionably, if you want to experience the unique beauty of Kauai, you need to do it by helicopter. More 
Story by Jay Wischkaemper
Photo by Lisa Wischkaemper
The Kilauea volcano has been spewing lava for a number of years. It flows through lava tubes down to the ocean, where great clouds of steam burst forth as the hot lava meets cool water. I had been to the place where the lava enters the ocean, and its impressive, but I had always wanted to see the source of the lava. There is only one way to get a close look into the crater, from the air. More 
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