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SWAV Update
Aviation related news from around the Southwest
Do you have news items of interest to the Southwests general aviation community? Submit them to: publisher@swaviator.com. Submissions will be run as space permits and may be edited for length and style. E-mails or disks and digital photos receive preference.
Preliminary figures from the Thirty-Second Annual COPPERSTATE Regional EAA Fly-In, held October 7 through 10 at the Phoenix Regional Airport (A39) near Maricopa, Arizona, portend a bright future for sport aviation. Initial indications are that the new Sport Pilot/Light Sport Aircraft (SP/LSA) rules, in effect since only September 1, have stimulated a renewed interest in sport and recreational aviation for many potential pilots.
Over 600 aircraft flew in to the Phoenix Regional Airport to attend the event, including 422 registered show planes, many of which were submitted for judging in a variety of different categories. As usual, the number of beautifully handcrafted or restored aircraft made the task of the judges difficult, but their eventual consensus was that the title of Grand Champion be awarded to Jack Wigmore’s RV-6. Reserve Grand Champion honors went to another airplane from the Van’s catalog, an RV-9A by Bob Watson.
The Thirty-Third Annual COPPERSTATE Regional EAA Fly-In is scheduled for Thursday, October 6, through Sunday, October 9, 2005. For more information, visit copperstate.org.
Adam Aircraft announces the rollout of the first customer aircraft from the company’s assembly facility at Centennial Airport in Englewood, Colorado. “Although this is our sixth rollout, it is really special because it’s the first customer airplane,” said Rick Adam, CEO of Adam Aircraft.
Having recently received Type Inspection Authorization (TIA) by the FAA on September 30, 2004, Adam Aircraft is beginning full-scale production of A500 aircraft. Before year-end 2004, two customer aircraft will be delivered and production will be ramped to 40 aircraft in 2005. “Rollout of the first customer A500 is a very exciting event,” said Joe Walker, President of Adam Aircraft. “The company has shifted its A500 development activities to
roduction and support of customer aircraft.”
During A500 development, a large percentage of Adam Aircraft’s engineering efforts were spent on optimizing the A500 for production. Modular designs for all major airframe components, engines, and systems, allow the aircraft to be efficiently assembled. Use of high performance carbon fiber material, reduces the part count of each aircraft, resulting in a higher quality construction. These, and other modern design features on the A500, directly benefit the manufacturing process.
Adam Aircraft’s headquarters are based on Centennial Airport (APA) in Englewood, Colorado. To learn more about the company, visit adamaircraft.com.
The FAA has granted Chelton Aviation STC approval for installation of their new digital AP-3C autopilot in Cherokee Six and Cessna 210 aircraft. This follows STCs for the Cessna 172, 182, 177, and 310, Beechcraft’s Baron and Travel Air, and the Piper Cherokee family (Warrior, Archer, Arrow, etc.), along with the Apache and Aztec. The company is proceeding with certification programs for a wide range of single and twin engine aircraft, and is gaining acceptance at the rate of two aircraft per month.
Chelton’s AP-3C autopilot operates with only three components while other autopilot models may require as many as six items, some of which require routine adjustments. With the STCs in hand, Chelton can now offer Cherokee Six and Cessna 210 owners the first autopilot developed for general aviation aircraft with vertical nav steering, VNAV, when coupled with an EFIS, WAAS GPS, or FMS. Chelton autopilots dampen the effects of turbulence since their altitude holding based on an attitude gyro instead of traditional rate based deviation or averaging formula. Chelton clearly sets a new standard in simplicity of operation and smooth response.
STC applications are in the final phase of approval for the Piper Arrow and Grumman Cheetah. They will be followed by the Mooney and V35 Bonanza.
For information, contact the company at 940-320-3330 or visit cheltonaviation.com.
The United States Air Tour Association (USATA) has named Chad Dixon, president of Scenic Airlines, as chairman of the Board of Trustees. Scenic Airlines, a Las Vegas-based air tour company serving the Grand Canyon, was an original founding member of USATA. “This is an extremely challenging time for the commercial air tour industry and I am honored to have the opportunity to serve as chairman of our association,” said Dixon who assumed the presidency of Scenic Airlines in 2001. Scenic Airlines, established in 1967, is the largest fixed-wing air tour company offering air tours of the Grand Canyon.
Brenda Halvorson, president of Papillon Helicopters in Grand Canyon Arizona, was named vice chairman; Lash Larew, executive vice president of Era Aviation in Alaska was named secretary; and, Dave Chevalier, president of Blue Hawaiian Helicopters in Hawaii was named treasurer.
Addressing the proposed national air tour safety rule, the environmental conflict resolution process at the Grand Canyon, the proposed relocation of helicopter operators in Las Vegas, the Lake Mead exemption for Grand Canyon air tours, and the implementation of air tour management plans nationwide represent the core of USATA’s current advocacy initiatives
Call 301-483-0158 to learn more.
The Annual Inspection - Powerplant follows A&P instructors Tim Guerrera and Vaughn Dowell through a step by step demonstration of a 100 hour inspection of the powerplant section of a Lycoming 0-360 powered Piper Arrow. This video explains every segment of the inspection process from an initial AD search to the final log entries. It details each procedure along with the techniques, tool and material usage, and plenty of professional hints and tips.
Although written for the A&P classroom, this film is equally applicable for the experimental aircraft owner needing to perform his/her own condition inspections, and the certificated aircraft owner simply wanting a better understanding of the inspection process.
A final five minute sequence covers safety wiring techniques with demonstrations of various related applications including propeller bolts, the alternator tension bolt, and the oil filter.
Available from Aircraft Technical Book Company in both DVD and VHS formats. For further information see buildersbooks.com or call 800-780-4115.
Aviation Technology Group (ATG) and Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) have signed a strategic cooperative agreement for the design, development, and manufacture of an Advanced Jet Trainer (AJT). The AJT is an innovative concept based on ATG’s two-seat jet, the JavelinT, and is optimally suited for a variety of advanced military training and support requirements. Integration of the Javelin prototype is in its final stages and handoff to flight operations is scheduled for this month.
The ATG and IAI partnership is a cooperative development process which also includes joint global marketing, engineering and co-production of the Javelin AJT. The agreement maximizes commonality between the Javelin civil aircraft and the military advanced jet trainer. It also utilizes long term IAI’s proven experience in commercial and military aircraft certification. Final assembly of the aircraft will take place in New Mexico and Israel allowing increased logistical flexibility. IAI will invest equity and matching funds in ATG for the advanced trainer derivative and the aircraft will be the central element of an integrated system that includes flight simulators, ground-base training systems, and maintenance, and logistics infrastructures.
Contact ATG at 303-799-4197 or visit avtechgroup.com.
Pima Aviation, Inc. is busy constructing eight new “T-hangar” buildings at Marana Northwest Regional Airport on Avra Valley Road. The buildings will have a total of 120 individual hangars. 96 will be 39.5’ wide, 14 will be 44.5’ wide and 10 will be 59.5’ wide. The hangars will have rolling doors. The first airplanes should be able to move into the company’s $3.7 million project later this fall according to General Manager, Kirk Bentson. Seven of the buildings are seen here in various stages of completion.
For additional information, Pima Aviation can be reached at 520-682-4300.
The Southwest Regional EAA Fly-In (SWRFI), which has welcomed aviation enthusiasts to Texas for more than 40 years, will be expanding to a three-day event in 2005, including an air show on Sunday.
The event has been scheduled for May 13-15, 2005. The expanded dates were approved in response to EAA members and other participants who enjoyed the festivities and wanted additional activities on Sunday. The schedule and site for the 2005 event will be announced as it is finalized.
Updated information on the event is available at swrfi.org.
FirstAIR is pleased to announce that it will be adding a location at Addison Airport (ADS). An existing 24,000 sq. ft. hangar facility is being renovated to house the company’s services at the new location. The renovation began in mid-September and should be complete by early November. FirstAIR’s Addison location will be a full service FBO offering a complete array of fueling and ground services.
With two locations already in place at Elmira, NY (ELM) and Binghamton, NY (BGM), the Addison, Texas location will serve as the first in a national expansion strategy currently underway at the company. The location was chosen specifically because the facility offers ample ramp space and parking with easy access to downtown Dallas.
FirstAIR provides high-quality aviation services including fueling and ground services as well as aircraft maintenance, avionics, charter, aircraft sales, and other services at three different locations: Elmira, NY (ELM), Binghamton, NY (BGM) and now Addison, TX (ADS).
For more information on FirstAIR or any of the services offered, please call Kurt Schmidt at 866-883-3597 or visit firstair.us.
A new fueling station is scheduled to open with a grand opening celebration on November 20. The fly-in celebration will include displays, fuel specials, and a pancake breakfast.
Contact Charlie Hott at 505-865-1859 for more information.
Coast to Coast Aircraft Sales' website, mooneyland.com, is an excellent resource for anyone considering purchasing a Mooney aircraft, as well as for current Mooney owners. Useful tips, history, and first-hand accounts provide a range of information about Mooneys.
Richard Zephro, owner of Coast to Coast Aircraft Sales, is one of the world's leading Mooney experts. His experiences prove invaluable to Mooniacs of all levels.
Call Richard at 972-218-7450, or visit mooneyland.com to find out more.
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