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SWAV Update
Aviation related news from around the Southwest
Do you have news items of interest to the Southwests general aviation community? Submit them to: publisher@swaviator.com. Submissions will be run as space permits and may be edited for length and style. E-mails or disks and digital photos receive preference.
A jet fuel powered Riley Superskyrocket Cessna 182 recently flew from Daytona, FL to the Riley facility in Carlsbad, CA. During the 16 hour flight the aircraft was flown at 100 percent power, averaged 200 hp, and achieved an improved range of approximately 40 percent. The pilot reported no unusual events during the flight, other than some "wide-eyed fuel operators." Riley engineers are developing the STC to install the FAA certified SMA SR305-230 engine in the Cessna 182 aircraft. FAA certification for the 182 installation is anticipated in early 2003. For further information contact Riley sales at 800-841-1115.
You are invited to the Addison Airport Fly-in for a weekend commemoration of Pearl Harbor. The Addison Airport is one of the busiest general aviation airports in the nation and no wonder, with all that Addison has to offer.
Location is one draw the Town of Addison is in the heart of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. Within five minutes from the Addison Airport youll find world-class shopping, excellent restaurants, friendly people, and beautiful spaces. The Addison Airport is a convenient way to arrive for charter and private planes.
On December 7, 2002, the Cavanaugh flight Museum is hosting a commemorative event to recognize Pearl Harbor Day. Come out to see the P-40 Warhawk and the FM2 Wildcat in flight. Check out the actual planes that appeared in the movie Tora! Tora! Tora! Meet Pearl Harbor survivor Paul Ferguson, at the time of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Mr. Ferguson was with the Headquarter Squadron 18th Bomb Wing at Hickam Field, the Army Air Force bomber base adjoining Pearl Harbor.
On the morning of December 7th at 8:00 a.m., members of the Ninety-Nines are hosting a meet and greet breakfast for Addison Airport Fly-in participants. The breakfast will be held at the Cavanaugh, while the planes are flying overhead.
Mercury Air Center and Million Air are offering fuel discounts and transportation for Addison Airport Fly-in participants. In addition, Addison hotels are offering special rates, including breakfast and transportation to and from the Addison Airport.
For more information, please contact Darci Neuzil at 972-392-4854 or dneuzil@staubach.com. For more information on the Town of Addison, check out www.addisontexas.net.
"Wickenburg is a great western town with plenty to see and do," said Maria Langer, Managing Member of Flying M Air. "In the past, incoming pilots and their passengers have found it difficult to get into town from the airport. Although our new courtesy car and shuttle service can get pilots and passengers into town, weve gone a step further to plan an entire days activitieswith transportationin and around town."
Scheduled for December 1, 2002, the Vulture Peak Hike takes pilots and their passengers from the airport to the Vulture Peak trailhead, where guides will take them along the well-maintained, easy to moderate 2-mile trail to the saddle of Vulture Peak. Box lunches are available for a small fee if ordered in advance.
The December 21, 2002 Museum Tour will bring pilots and their passengers to one of the finest Western museums in the countryDesert Caballeros Western Museumfor a guided tour of the museums exhibits. Afterwards participants are encouraged to explore the museum on their own, have lunch in town, and do some last-minute holiday shopping. A small fee covers the museum entry and transportation to and from town.
Reservations are required for most events so Flying M Air can arrange adequate transportation and other services. Call the airport at 928-684-5690 to let the airport staff know you will attend.
This new book by Debra Winegarten is a refreshing, swift-moving biography of Katherine Stinson, a high spirited girl whose desire was to be a concert pianist. After reading in a local newspaper about how much money barnstorming pilots earned, she decided that learning to fly was the only way to make enough money for her to afford the finest European music schools. Once she learned to fly, all thoughts of a career in music were forgotten. She was awarded her pilots certificate in 1912.
The book is available through Eakin Press, P.O. Drawer 90159, Austin, Texas 78709-0159, www.eakinpress.com, or from the author at www.sociosights.com
Flying M Air, LLC, a Wickenburg-based helicopter tour and aerial photography business, has taken over fuel operations at the Wickenburg, Arizona Municipal Airport, Wellik Field. Flying M Airs plans for improving the airport facility and offering new services to local and transient pilots include expanded hours, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., 365 days a year (with after-hours fuel available for a nominal service charge), renovating the terminal building, and providing Internet access to weather, flight planning and filing, and e-mail. Courtesy car and shuttle service is also planned, as are promotional offers, including support for AvTrip points.
"Wickenburg Airport is a great facility in a wonderful western town," said Maria Langer, Manager of Flying M Air. "Its our goal to bring general aviation pilots in, treat them well while theyre with us, and show them what a great destination Wickenburg can be. This is also a convenient fuel and rest stop for transient jet pilots who want to avoid the congestion of Phoenix-area airports." Visit www.wickenburgairport.com for more information.
Grand Canyon Airlines (GCA) is again offering Grand Canyon air and ground tour packages departing daily from the Scottsdale Airport, aboard its exclusive fleet of the incredible Vistaliner aircraft. "Weve been strongly encouraged by many friends and partners in the travel and tourism industry to bring our services back to the Valley, and we believe the timing is right to have a permanent presence in the Scottsdale/Phoenix market again," says John Dillon, General Manager.
GCA operates an exclusive fleet of specially modified DeHavilland Twin Otter aircraft (DHC-6-300), known as the Vistaliner, which GCA co-developed and modified specifically for sightseeing of the Grand Canyon. This high-wing airplane has been changed considerably from its original design and retro-fitted with the largest, flat and un-tinted windows on any fixed wing aircraft, offering spectacular panoramic views. The National Park Service and FAA also consider it the least intrusive and quietest aircraft at the Grand Canyon.
Mid Valley Airport (T65) in Weslaco, TX, has recently completed an extensive $2.1 million improvement project that includes parking apron expansion and new runway systems. Two new taxiways have also been added along with a pilot controlled runway lighting system, and Precision Approach Path Indicators for both runways (13 and 31). Weslaco Mid Valley Airport is strategically located in the central Rio Grande Valley. It provides access to the entire valley, as well as Mexico. The airport offers a 5,000-ft. runway, two instrument approaches, NexWos and WSI weather services, and a Phillips 24-hour self-fueling station. In addition, maintenance facilities and limousine services are also available on-site.
The Arboles Airstrip (5V9), a recreational airport on the shore of the Navajo Reservoir located on the Colorado/New Mexico border, was recently closed by the park manager of Colorado's Navajo State Park. Senator Wayne Allard (R-Colo.) has asked Interior Secretary Gale Norton for the swift consideration of reopening the Arboles Airstrip. This is one of many backcountry airstrips closed because of arbitrary actions of managers who do not have jurisdiction over a landing strip.
Allard, who has been working with AOPA Legislative Affairs, states that the airstrip is not in the park manager's jurisdiction to close, but instead is owned by the federal Bureau of Reclamation. He adds that the Colorado State Assembly supports reopening the recreational airport, which has operated without incident since World War II. The Arboles Airstrip, like many backcountry landing strips, faces an uncertain future due to its blurred jurisdiction.
The Backcountry Landing Strip Access Act, if passed, would nationally codify the process of airport closings, and include local and state officials in those decisions. Currently, the Backcountry Landing Strip Access Act is awaiting action by both chambers of Congress.
Aero Twin Inc. in conjunction with Honeywell International has completed initial flight tests of their new Honeywell-powered Cessna 208 Caravan on both wheels and Wipline amphibious floats. Aero Twins installation of Honeywells TPE331-12JR-701S turbine engine is rated at 850 horsepower, up 250 horsepower, which is as much as a 42 percent increase depending on the model of stock airplane.
The company reports significant improvements to takeoff, climb and cruise performance. Initial 850 amphibian figures include takeoff performance of 1,000 feet when on wheels and rate of climb of 2,000 FPM. The water takeoff run for the 850 amphibian is now 14 seconds, down from 30 to 40 second runs required by the stock Caravan amphibian.
The increased flight performance of the Caravan 850 is matched by an increase in operational performance. Fuel burn is reduced, and the new engine offers a TBO or CAM at 7,000 hours to qualified commercial operators. The new engine features include an automatic propeller drag reduction system and an auto ignition system.
For more information, call 907-274-6166 or visit www.aerotwin.com.
Jack Sellers, assistant professor, aviation technology sciences, Tulsa Community College, was elected president of the University Aviation Association at its national conference in Orlando. Sellers, a registered professional engineer and flight instructor, is former director of operations, Tulsa Flight Center. At TCC, Sellers chairs the Aviation Advisory Committee, serves on Tulsa Aviation Alliance Exec. Committee, and directs Aviation Careers Academy (a summer academy for high school students from NE Oklahoma interested in aviation).
Celebrating its 55th year as the voice of collegiate aviation, UAA is composed of 731 individual members and 119 public and private two-year and four-year accredited institutions of higher education that offer degrees in aviation, flight education, airway service management, or avionics.
This year, the Women Soaring Pilots Association awarded two Sky Ghost Scholarships. These scholarships are funded by Dr. Frank Gross and his family. Dr Gross was an aeronautical engineer who designed an aircraft known as The Sky Ghost. This scholarship is designated for women under the age of 25 who are training for a Private Pilot License in gliders. It can be used for training at any soaring facility.
Kathy Fosha, a student at Colorado State University, received $500. She is flying with instructors at the Owl Canyon Gliderport, and is very close to taking her check ride.
A second place scholarship of $200 went to Brittany McMlister-Abraham, a 14-year -old who is a student pilot at Skylark North in Tehachapi, California.
The Women Soaring Pilots Association is a division of The Soaring Society of America. For information about scholarships and other WSPA activities, visit their website at: womensoaring.org. or contact Phyllis Wells at 1938 l5th Street, Penrose CO 81240.
Meacham International Airport has a $616,173,470 impact on the North Texas economy a nearly $500 million escalation since 1987, according to a study conducted by Texas Wesleyan University. For every job created by Meacham, three-quarters of a job is created to provide added economic benefits, according to the study. The airport, located on Fort Worths Northside, has a direct payroll of $63,144,310. In addition, the study showed that to sustain growth in economic impact, Meacham Airport must be positioned to attract aviation and aviation-related industry.
"I think Meacham is a sleeping giant," said Kim Dignum, chairman of the Fort Worth Aviation Advisory Board. "There are over a hundred businesses out there. There are businesses that are planning to expand, and the public should be aware of Meachams impact." Businesses at Meacham include commercial aircraft modifications, avionics service, aircraft painting, aircraft sales, airframe and power plant shops, a pilot shop, and a passenger terminal with a restaurant.
Sporty's "Non-Flier's Guide to the Cockpit" has been enhanced and released on DVD. Full-motion menus give mini-previews of each one of the 25 lessons and allow instant access to any segment. Broadcast-quality production, and extensive use of in-flight footage and graphics all take advantage of the DVD format.
This DVD takes passengers through a flight from start to finish, so they will know exactly what the pilot is doing and why. From preflight to engine shutdown, this DVD explains it all, making flying safer and more enjoyable for passengers. Covering a wide array of navigational, operational, and communication topics, "Non-Flier's Guide to the Cockpit" may even inspire a passenger to start taking flying lessons.
"Non-Flier's Guide to the Cockpit" [#D992A] is 75 minutes in length and is available for $19.95. It may be ordered on the Internet at sportys.com or by calling Sporty's at 800-LIFTOFF or 513-735-9000 or by faxing 513-735-9200.
Zivko Aeronautics Inc, of Guthrie, Oklahoma saw great success at the 2002 US National Aerobatics Championships at the Grayson County Airport, Denison, TX, as their Edge 540 aerobatic aircraft topped the unlimited category rankings by taking 1st, 2nd, and 3rd positions.
Of the 24 aircraft competing in the top unlimited category, nine were Edge 540's. Kirby Chambliss (Arizona) took the 1st position with an overall score of 85.53 percent, and was crowned the new 2002 U.S. National Champion, followed by Mike Mangold (California) in 2nd with 82.29 percent, and Steve Andelin (California) 3rd with 81.88 percent.
The Edge 540 is an unlimited category aerobatic monoplane constructed from a steel tube fuselage with fully composite wing and empennage. Rated at ± 10 g's, with a modified Textron-Lycoming IO-540 327 hp engine, the aircraft is produced in Guthrie, OK, USA.
There are currently 35 Edge aircraft based around the world, for more information please go to: www.zivko.com.
The AOPA Airport Support Network is looking for volunteers at several Southwestern airports - including in New Mexico, CVN, HOB, and TCC; Oklahoma, ELK, GOK, GUY, H04, and H45; and Texas, ATA, BGD, BKD, BRO, and BWD. The Airport Support Network wants every public-use airport in the United States to have a volunteer who will let AOPA know about potential problems, and be able to help work toward sound solutions. To nominate a Volunteer, which can be yourself, visit www.aopa.org.
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