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SWAV News |
Do you have news items of interest to the Southwests general aviation community? Submit them to: editor@swaviator.com or fax with cover sheet to (505) 256-3172. Submissions will be run as space permits and may be edited for length and style.
New FBO and Terminal Opened at Williams, Arizona
A new fixed based operator, Williams Air Adventure, has opened at H. A. Clark Memorial Field in Williams, Arizona. Housed in a new 4,800 square-foot hangar, the FBO offers a 24-hour fueling concession of 100 LL, airplane repair, and flight training. Williams also recently dedicated a new 3,100 square foot terminal building. This is all part of Williams' continuing effort to have a first class airport for general aviation, with additional tie down areas and hangars. Contact Williams Air Adventure at (520) 635-3057, on Unicom 122.8.
Cutter Deer Valley Expansion
The final stage of new construction to Cutters Deer Valley, Arizona location is scheduled to be completed December 1. The three buildings will add a total of 11,760 sq. ft. of office space and 38,544 sq. ft. of hangar space.
Pan Am International Flight Academy took occupancy of building #2 in June. Pan Am is leasing office, hangar, and tie-down space from Cutter.
Pueblo, Colorado Hosts Air Festival and Medal of Honor Recipients
The Pueblo, Colorado Air Festival will be held September 23 24, 2000 as part of the National Medal of Honor Society Convention in Pueblo, September 19 24. Pueblo is the only city in the US with multiple Medal of Honor Recipients. Aircraft expected at the Air Festival include WW II vintage fighters, as well as current military fighter and transport aircraft. Some of the WW II aircraft will be providing rides for an appropriate fee. There will also be several private aircraft on hand to provide "Penny-A-Pound" passenger flights over Pueblo. Call (719) 784-3838 for more information.
Cessna 172 182 Club Fly-In at Oklahoma Citys Wiley Post Airport
The annual Planes on the Prairie Cessna 172 182 National Fly-In is set for October 6 8, 2000 at Wiley Post Airport in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The event will feature a hangar dance, and BBQ on Friday evening, and a trade show and seminars on Saturday, followed by a banquet Saturday evening at the Air & Space Museum. Call (405) 495-8664 or visit www.cessna172-182club.com for more information.
Aircraft Spruce Schedules Sixth Annual Copperstate Dash Air Race
Aircraft Spruce & Specialty will host the sixth annual Copperstate Dash Air Race this October on Friday the 13th. Co-sponsored by the EAA, the 286-nautical mile race is run between Apple Valley Airport in Victorville, CA, and Coolidge Airport, south of Phoenix. Most participants fly in the race and then visit the Copperstate Fly-In at William Gateway Airport, which runs October 12 15. The race is open to homebuilt and certificated aircraft, which race in four separate categories. Pilots race against the clock and the three fastest times in each group are the winners. Plaques and gift certificates totaling $4,000 are presented to the winners each year during the Copperstate Fly-In Awards Banquet.
Entry forms can be obtained by calling Jerry Aguilar at Aircraft Spruce & Specialty: (800) 824-1930; fax (909) 372-0555; or write to Jerry at 225 Airport Circle, Corona, CA 91720. Forms must be submitted by October 7, 2000.
Kansas Aviation Subject of Television Special
The Kansas State Network and Chance Communications, Inc. have produced a one hour feature program called "Wings Over Kansas: Past, Present, and Future of Kansas Aviation." Showcasing content from the book Borne on the Southwing: A History of Kansas Aviation by Frank Joseph Rowe and Craig Miner, "Wings Over Kansas" airs October 12, 2000 on KSN Channel 3 in Wichita, and the Kansas State Network. It will also be video-streamed live on the world wide web at www.ksn.com and www.wingsoverkansas.com.
"Wings over Kansas" emphasizes the significance of Wichita aircraft manufacturing to the industry as a whole. To further demonstrate Wichita as the air capital of the world, a videotape of the program will be made available to the National Business Aviation Association Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana the week of October 9, 2000. A portion of all advertising revenue raised by "Wings Over Kansas" helps fund aviation scholarships to grow the aviation workforce in Wichita.
Confederate Air Force AIRSHO 2000 Set for Midland, Texas
The FINA-Confederate Air Force AIRSHO 2000 is set for October 7 8, 2000 at Midland International Airport in Midland, Texas. The annual AIRSHO features the CAFs collection of World War II aircraft, including the worlds only flying B-29. The Saturday performance includes nighttime flying events and a hangar dance featuring the Bellamy Brothers. For more information contact Tina Corbett at (915) 563-1000 or www.airsho.org.
Denver Based Explorer Aircraft Announces First Flight
The initial flight of the Explorer 500T, a PT-6 turbine-powered utility airplane, has already demonstrated performance and handling qualities. Mr. Graham Swannell, CEO of Explorer Aircraft, states that the program is ahead of schedule, having accomplished major technical milestones. The company expects to announce the location of its manufacturing facilities in the next few months.
For more information about Explorer Aircraft and its models of aircraft, call (303) 388-0600 or visit www.exploreraircraft.com
RotorWay Takes Grand Champion
Once more, a RotorWay helicopter has won "Grand Champion" at a major EAA event. Bob Fiorenze, of Winter Park, Florida, took the award at the Sun N Fun airshow in Lakeland, Florida. His Exec 90 helicopter took first place, with another RotorWay Exec 90, built by Doug Bush of St. Paul, Minnesota, coming in second.
RotorWay International, the worlds oldest and largest manufacturer of kit helicopters, produces the award winning Exec 162F helicopter kit. Located in Chandler, Arizona, the facility houses all components of the business, including administration, sales, manufacturing, and flight and maintenance instruction. Call Susie Bell at (480) 961-1001 for more information.
Scottsdale AirFair 2000 Lands at the Scottsdale Airport
October 21-22, 2000: The 14th Annual Scottsdale AirFair is certain to be the best AirFair to date and a show not to be missed! This years lineup features classic and modern warbirds, a great West Coast show of warbirds and current military aircraft that is sure to dazzle enthusiasts and aviators alike. Special warbird guests will be announced soon! New this year will be the addition of an OctoberFest, filling the tarmac with fall fun, festivities and bratwurst!
A limited number of aircraft will be selected from those aviators/owners wanting to participate. Please Call the AirFair Productions office at (602) 840-9005 to find out how to submit application for consideration. Qualified aircraft will receive fuel, hotel, food and beverage, ground transportation and small stipend.
Bill Introduced to Stop Closure of Backcountry Airstrips
Idaho Senators Mike Crapo and Larry Craig have introduced The Backcountry Landing Strip Access Act (S. 2707). The bill would prevent the Secretary of Interior and the Secreatary of Agriculture from permanently closing airstrips without first consulting state aviation agencies and users. It also would require a 90 day comment period for proposed closures and calls for consultation with the FAA to adopt a national policy promoting backcountry aviation standards.
BEDE America Aerosport, LLC Takes Off with the BD-17 Nugget
Jim Bede announced the production of the BD-17 Nugget on the companys web site, www.BD17.com. The Nugget is the end result of BEDE America Aerosports LLC efforts to produce an affordable, single place, single engine, low wing, high performance sport aircraft. For more information, visit the website or call Jim Bede at (330) 721-9999.
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