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SW Aviator Feb/Mar 2001
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SWAV Update
Aviation related news from around the Southwest

Do you have news items of interest to the Southwest’s general aviation community? Submit them to: Submissions will be run as space permits and may be edited for length and style. E-mails or disks and digital photos receive preference.

Southwestern Flying Adventures
Dr. James Kohn has released a new book entitled 'Southwestern Flying Adventures', which explores 31 cities and towns of Texas, Arkansas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. It contains an index cross-referenced by activity and by location and serves as a springboard to facilitate and encourage new adventures. In the forward, Mr. Kohn writes, "I have a true love for aviation and for exploring. If you share these passions then you will find this guide quite useful and fun...This guide will help you make the most out of your travels." His book can be ordered online at

Mooney Partners with Spanish Manufacturer
Mooney Airplane Company has entered into a strategic relationship with Constucciones Aeronauticas De Galicia, manufacturer of the Toxo light sport aircraft in Spain, to manufacture, design, assemble and market the two-seater plane. The aircraft will be renamed the Mooney Toxo, and Mooney will undertake all Toxo related activities from its plant in Kerrville.
The airplane, with a 120 HP engine, has a maximum speed of 230 mph, a cruise speed of 180 mph, a 10-hour range, and a service ceiling of 14,000 feet. More details about the Toxo are available at, CAG's website. For additional information, contact Mooney at 830-896-6000, or visit

Sante Fe Airport Open House
The Aviation Association of Santa Fe is celebrating 100 years of flight with an open house on Saturday, September 27, 2003 from 9am until 1pm at the Santa Fe Municipal Airport. The Airport Open House is to inform the community, and particularly youth, about aviation activities and business conducted at the Santa Fe Airport. To find out more, contact Dallas Steele at 505-438-6030.

Fina-CAF AIRSHO to Feature the Canadian Force's Snowbirds
Officials from the Commemorative Air Force are pleased to announce that the Canadian Force's Snowbirds will join the world's largest fleet of flyable World War II aircraft in commemorating the 100th anniversary of the first flight at the Fina-CAF AIRSHO 2003 scheduled to take place Sept. 27-28, 2003, at Midland International Airport in Midland, Texas. For more, please call 432-563-1000 or go to

RotorWay Engine Gets Even Better
RotorWay International is pleased to announce the newest developments on the RI 162F engine. With the addition of Star Tubes, the latest technology in fuel management to the ignition system, the RI 167F engine will offer 10 more horsepower without the need for high-octane gasoline. It is also expected to have improved fuel economy and longer life, which equates to higher TBO's. Yielding more horsepower with less spark advance due to a more rapid burn time provides a smoother run than ever before along with the ability to utilize lower Octane fuels. Star Tubes, with its anti-detonation technology, provides the equivalent of 12 points of Octane. For more information, contact RotorWay International at (480) 961-1001 or visit their website at

Land of Enchantment RV Fly-In
Adventure Aviation announces the third annual Land of Enchantment RV Fly-in, October 17-19 at the Las Cruces International Airport. The event, featuring RV aircraft, is free and open to the public. Airplanes will be judged by Col. Frank Borman and Biplane rides will be available. For more information, call 877-525-0500.

2003 Wichita Aviation Festival
Celebrate 100 years of aviation heritage in the Air Capital of the World, September 18-21, 2003. From larger-than-life aerial stunts to hot-air balloon launches, Wichita's Aviation Festival offers fun for all. With McConnell Air Force Base serving as host for the events, the City of Wichita and the military have teamed up to make this air show bigger and better than ever. Look to the sky for the high-flying U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds, low-level aerobatic stunts by Patty Wagstaff and Jimmy Franklin, and the spectacular night air show, a first-time event for Wichita. For more, call 316-337-9044, or visit

War Eagles Air Museum and the 99s host Fly-In
War Eagles Air Museum, at the Doña Ana County Airport (5T6) in Santa Teresa, New Mexico, is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Wright brothers' first successful powered flight. The museum showcases 29 aircraft, 43 automobiles and many historical artifacts from the World War II and Korean War periods.

On September 20, 2003, War Eagles and the El Paso Chapter of the 99s will host the "Centennial of Flight Fly-In." Activities for the fly-in will include a pancake breakfast, screening of a video on the Wright brothers' first flight, an FAA safety seminar, and static displays and flybys of civil and military aircraft. This event is one in a series of commemorative activities sponsored by War Eagles to observe this historic milestone, including a chili cookoff, a classic aviation film series and, on December 17, a flight of the Museum's 1937 Piper J-3 Cub, the oldest flying Piper aircraft in the world.
For more information, or to sign up, contact Dan Taylor at 505-589-2000, or visit

New Mexico Pilots Association Hosts Air Tour
The second annual NMPA New Mexico Air Tour is scheduled for Oct. 24 through Oct. 26. This year's tour will feature southeastern New Mexico, including a visit to Carlsbad Caverns. The tour begins in Roswell on Friday afternoon, with a tour of the Eastern New Mexico University at Roswell's aviation training facility and the AAR facilities. AAR Aircraft Services, Inc., a division of AAR Corp, is a state-of-the-art airline aircraft maintenance, teardown, and aircraft storage facility. The facilities tour is followed by a dinner event and overnight lodging in Roswell. On Saturday morning the tour flies the short hop to Carlsbad to visit the world famous caverns. Dinner and overnight lodging will also be in Carlsbad. After breakfast on Sunday, air tour participants can either return home, or continue their visit in beautiful southeastern New Mexico on their own. Flying weather in New Mexico is ideal in the fall, with typically clear skies, mild temperatures, and light winds. For more information contact Ron Keller at 505-222-3062 or email,

Sporty's Annual Sweepstakes Winner Chosen
James Ford's 32nd birthday is one he will never forget. That's the day he became the winner of Sporty's 2003 Skyhawk Sweepstakes. A private pilot with approximately 100 hours, Ford lives in Poteau, Arkansas, and is assistant vice president of the First National Bank of Fort Smith.

It was another birthday, Ford's 16th, that started him off in flying. His father gave him 10 hours of flying time for his birthday. Over the years, he would start and stop, but didn't get his certificate until recently. He says, "My flight instructor thought I'd do better if I learned in my own airplane so I bought a Piper Cherokee 140." That airplane is now for sale, and he hopes it stays at his home airport and is used for flight training.

The 2003 Sweepstakes is the eighteenth year for Sporty's Aircraft Sweepstakes and the twenty-first aircraft awarded. In the past 17 years, Sporty's has awarded 20 airplanes, with the value exceeding $2.8 million. The 2003 Sweepstakes aircraft is the ninth brand-new Skyhawk that Sporty's has awarded.

The 2004 Sweepstakes will also award a brand-new Cessna Skyhawk SP with a complete Bendix/King avionics suite, including the KMD 550 Multifunction display and data link weather.

Hollyfest 2003 Program Announced
Coming up September 12 & 13 this year, in the Ozark Mountains near Clinton in Van Buren County, Arkansas, the 5th Annual Holleyfest fly-in/camp-out, hosted by the Holley Mountain Airpark Property Owners Association, features an entertaining and educational program.

Friday night festivities include a hamburger supper, being conducted as a fundraiser by Association members to defray costs of hosting the event, along with a “Tall Tales of Flight” storytelling session around the campfire.
Saturday morning, beginning at 8am, the special Temporary Control Tower opens. Provided jointly by FAA LIT and LIT AFB, the communication frequency is 118.45mhz. Concurrent with this, vendors will exhibit their wares and the pilot education agenda begins.

For more information about Holley Mountain Airpark and the 5th Annual Holleyfest fly-in/camp-out, contact Jim or JoAnn Collom, 501-745-8700, or visit

FAA Taking Non-Regulatory Approach to Managing Aging GA Aircraft
Responding to AOPA and other industry groups, the FAA has developed "best practices" guidance for maintaining aging GA aircraft, instead of writing more burdensome regulations. FAA is going to press next month with its new guide, Best-Practice Guide for Maintaining Aging General Aviation Airplanes. It will provide owners with best-maintenance practices for older GA airplanes. AOPA, FAA, several aircraft type clubs, and other aviation organizations collaborated to publish the reference.

The non-regulatory handbook includes tips for conducting records searches and inspection routines for older aircraft. It urges pilots to contact aircraft type clubs for additional information on specific makes and models of older GA airplanes. Publication date is slated for late September. The guide will also be available to AOPA members at

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