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SWAV News |
Do you have news items of interest to the Southwests general aviation community? Submit them to: editor@swaviator.com or fax with cover sheet to (505) 256-3172. Submissions will be run as space permits and may be edited for length and style.
New Restaurant at Kingman Airport
The Kingman, Arizona Airport is proud to announce that it has a new restaurant operator at the airport. Peggy Wicker has opened Wickers Airport Cafe with expanded operating hours. The Cafe will be open from 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. seven days a week. For those pilots passing through, now you can enjoy some of the finest airport cooking in the Southwest. Peggy is an established local restaurant operator who has relocated her business to the Kingman Airport to better serve the aviation community. Peggy specializes in Mexican food, but is known throughout the community for her great home cooking. Stop by the Kingman Airport for a real dining treat.
Cutter Hosts Arizona Aircraft Expo
Cutter Aviation, Inc. is pleased to announce they will be hosting the Arizona Aircraft Expo on Saturday, November 4th, 2000 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Festivities will include exhibits and static displays, snacks and refreshments, and door prizes. Lunch, sponsored by Scottsdale Jaguar, will be served from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. The event will be held at Cutters Deer Valley facility located at 530 West Deer Valley Road, Phoenix, Arizona 85027.
Cutter Aviation takes great pleasure in displaying their operation. Also on hand will be several avionics and aircraft manufacturers, aircraft parts suppliers, finance and insurance businesses, and other high-quality companies to discuss their products and services. Stop by for a day filled with information and fun.
In addition to the Phoenix Deer Valley location, Cutter Aviation has locations at Albuquerque, Phoenix Sky Harbor, Santa Monica, El Paso, and San Antonio.
For more information, contact Kelly Axelsen at (602) 267-4095 or at kaxelsen@cutteraviation.com
LBG Hosts AOPA EXPO 2000
Pilots from across the nation will invade the Long Beach Convention Center on October 20 through 22 to attend the annual AOPA Expo. This year celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the AOPA Air Safety Foundation. Three action-packed days of seminars, exhibits and a static aircraft display of the newest, most high-tech aircraft make this event a favorite for GA pilots.
The Expo seminar program features a wealth of topics including medical issues, pilot safety, aircraft photography and pilot proficiency. Thousands of new products and services featuring the latest technology can be found in the exhibit hall, giving pilots a good opportunity to comparison shop. In addition to all the great aviation activity, there is plenty to see and do in the Long Beach area. The City of Long Beach has a free "Passport" transportation system that runs between all AOPA hotels, the Convention Center and main attractions. Hotel information is available at (562) 436-3645 (ask for AOPA rates). For information on the Expo, call (888) 462-3976 or check the Web site at www.aopa.org/expo/.
Las Cruces Air Fair 2000 Set for Late October
The Las Cruces, New Mexico International Airport (LRU on the Albuquerque Sectional chart) will host Air Fair 2000, a one day free extravaganza, on Saturday, October 21. Aerobatics acts scheduled to appear include Tim Weber, Gene Soucy, and Silent Wings. The Misty Blues Womans Skydivers, a B-52 fly-over and spectacular pyrotechnic displays will also thrill spectators. The local EAA Chapter 555 will host a free spaghetti dinner for early birds and volunteers Friday evening. Rain date is Sunday, October 22.
NM Pilot Bash Scholarships
Six New Mexico Students have been awarded $500 Jim and Roz Kinlen Memorial Scholarships to further their aviation education. They include Nathan Daffron, 17; James Killian, 18; Patty Lithyouvong, 18; Joseph Quintana, 18; Cory Scott, 19; and Alexandra Vier,19. Four of the youths are first-time winners while two received scholarships for a third year.
The scholarship program, which was established to honor the memory of the founders of the New Mexico Pilot Bash, is funded through proceeds from the annual hangar party, a raffle, and donations. The 2001 Pilot Bash will be June 9, 2001. Contributions to the scholarship fund are being accepted by the New Mexico Pilot Bash Scholarship Committee, 12009 Donna Court NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112. Application forms are available from Vicki Husbands, PO Box 328, Bosque, NM 87006.
2001 Aviation Art Contest
The New Mexico Aviation Division is gearing up for the 2001 International Aviation Art Contest. The division sponsors this contest each year for New Mexico students 6 17 years of age. The theme of this years contest is "My Dream to Fly." The contest is held for three separate age groups: 6-9, 10-13, and 14-17 years of age. The division staff judges the contest and selects first, second, and third place winners in each category. The first place winners in each age group will then advance to the national contest judging in Washington, DC.
New Mexico has had two national winners in the past three years. If your New Mexico student has not heard about this contest at his or her school by mid-November, contact Wayne York, the divisions project officer, at 505-244-1788 for information and Art Contest applications.
Hartzell Propeller and Explorer Aircraft Ink Deal
Hartzell Propeller Inc. and Denver, Colorado-based Explorer Aircraft, Inc. have announced they have signed a product development and purchase agreement in which all aircraft developed by Explorer will be equipped with Hartzell propellers, starting with the production of the Pratt and Whitney PT6A-135B turboprop-powered model 500T. The Explorer family of aircraft was designed and engineered in Australia, but will be built in North America and gain simultaneous certification from the United States, Australia, and Canada.
Hartzells 94-inch diameter, four-bladed lightweight series feathering and reversing propeller selected for the 500T features wide chord aluminum blades. Not only does the blade design provide excellent take-off and climb performance, but the elliptical tip shape also has a low noise signature, to keep flyover and cabin noise levels to a minimum.
The first successful flight of the Explorer 500T occurred on June 9, 2000. Certification for this aircraft is projected for late 2003. For more information on Explorer Aircraft visit www.exploreraircraft.com. The Hartzell web address is www.harzellprop.com.
CAFs B-29, B-24 Return to Service After 20 Months in Maintenance
After spending over 20 months in a preventative maintenance program, the Confederate Air Forces B-29 Superfortress Fifi and B-24/LB-30 Diamond Lil made a triumphant return to flight and are currently back on tour across the United States.
Fifi, the worlds only flying B-29 Superfortress, has been with the CAF since 1971 when it was rescued from the desert at China Lake, California. Diamond Lil, the oldest surviving Liberator, has been with the CAF since 1968. Both planes have resumed their national tour that will take them to approximately 25 stops in the upper Midwest and Mid-Atlantic States. The planes will return to their Midland, Texas home in October to participate in the Fina-CAF AIRSHO 2000 and then resume the tour mid-November.
For a complete listing of the B-29/B-24 tour stops, go to www.confederateairforce.org.
Six Chuter Powered Parachutes Opens New Dealer Territories
Six Chuter, Inc. of Yakima, Washington, has announced the creation of new dealer territories across North America and overseas. The expansion move was triggered by an enormous increase of interest in powered parachute flying from a recent James Bond film. Ever since The World Is Not Enough was released, with a fast action sequence featuring powered parachutes, the company has experienced a steady flow of inquiries from consumers and people interested in dealerships.
Since Six Chuter manufactures aircraft similar to those seen in the movie, the company has had to increase production along with customer and dealer service. The company would like to double the current 130 dealers by the year 2002, and expand their presence in Europe.
Call 800-440-8211 for more information, or visit www.sixchuter.com.
FAA Approves Micro Vortex Generator Kits for Cessna Skyhawk and Skylane
Micro AeroDynamics has received STC approval from the FAA for the application of Vortex Generators on the Cessna 172 Skyhawk and 182 Skylane. Adapted from turbine technology, the VGs provide an eight percent reduction in stall speed, improved aileron response, along with reduced takeoff and landing roll. They also enhance handling in turbulence and substantially improve crosswind control.
Complete kits sell for $1,450, and can be ordered from Micro AeroDynamics at 800-677-2370, or www.microaero.com/micro.
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