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Dream Plane: The Spartan Executive |
story and photos by Don Mickey |
Every pilot has a special place in their heart
for a certain aircraft, that one plane whose unique
combination of sleek grace and rugged stability inspired
them to take to the skies. Some airplanes have this ability to
create a sense of awe over so many others, leaving a lasting
impression on all who see them.
When Quinn Boyd was a young boy growing up around the ranches of southern New Mexico and northern Mexico, one such plane changed his life. A rancher arrived from New York in a shining, new Spartan Executive. Quinn new then and there that he had to fly, and the Spartan would be his dream plane from that day on.
Years later, as he grew into adulthood and began flying himself around the southwest, Quinn stumbled upon a Spartan Executive once again. This time the plane was owned by Spartan School of Aeronautics in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The school, a descendant of the same company that had manufactured the aircraft, kept the plane as a flagship, using it only for rare promotional flights. As the jet age dawned and matured, the excitement of the classic radial aircraft began to wain. The Executive was left parked in a hangar, waiting to take to the skies once again. Quinn made it a point to drop by the Spartan School during his frequent trips to Tulsa, and visit the plane that had inspired him so many years before, still dreaming of a day that he might pilot the beautiful machine.
In 1972, Quinn visited the Spartan School and went to gaze at his dream plane, as he had so many times over the years. To his amazement, the plane was gone. He was told it had just been sold to someone in Texas. Quinn immediately set out to find the new owner, intent on realizing his dream. He managed to locate the plane and buy it before the new owner could even register it. Quinn Boyd flew the plane to his home field of El Paso and became the first registered owner of the 1941 Spartan Executive.
In the 28 years that Quinn has owned the plane, he has cared for it meticulously. The avionics have been completely updated, with recent additions by El Paso Aero, Inc. Cleveland wheels and brakes have replaced the factory Goodyears, and a customized interior was added to the craft that has truly become the realization of Quinn Boyds dream.
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