The SHTD and the Governors Office have approved the Aviation Division Budget for Fiscal Year 2001.
This Budget includes $1.3 million for airport improvement programs. If the state legislature approves this budget, the combination of the state matching program (50%/50%) and the FAA matching program (90%/10%) should provide over $15 million in airport projects. This covers about one-half of the projects needed according to the Airport System Plan. If AIR-21 makes it through the US Congress next year, we will have to readdress this issue to find the funds to cover the states portion of the expected increase in FAA CIP funding.
Wed like to extend a welcome to Terry Simcoe, our new Airports Manager and Inspector.
Terry is a long time general aviation pilot and has been in the title business for many years. He will manage the Tatum, Navajo State Park, Eunice, and Conchas Dam Airports plus inspect most of the airports in the state under the FAA 5010 program.
The New Mexico Airport System Plan 2000, the Aviation Division Five Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) 2000-2004, and the Air Freight Trends and Intermodal Options in New Mexico Study have been published.
These documents are a culmination of information gathered in meetings with representatives from fifty-five airports throughout the state. They will be used for planning and budgeting airport projects by the Federal Aviation Administration, the Aviation Division, and the airport sponsors. You can order these publications from our office in Santa Fe (505-827-1525).
The Air Service Assistance Program (ASAP) is underway and is being administered by Wayne York, Chief, Safety and Education Bureau of the Aviation Division.
He is being assisted by Bill Rathert of Kiehl Hendrickson Group in meeting with communities and airlines to facilitate this subsidy program. They have met with most of the communities that are planning to apply for funds and will begin negotiations with several airlines in the near future. The program will assist small communities in obtaining air service to hub cities throughout the Southwest.
Is your airport planning an airshow/event for 2000? Let us know the dates for our Airshow Calendar.
Call Judy at the Santa Fe office (505-827-1525). This calendar is distributed to many national publications. It is presented as a service to the aviation community and is intended to prevent scheduling conflicts.
Fly Safe. Happy Holidays!